We want our sister bookshops, Harriett’s & Ida’s, to fly, to survive and thrive and be here well after you and I are gone from this here plane.

At the same time we live and operate within the confines of certain systems, rituals, and “holy days” that feel contrary to our beliefs and desires.
Is it possible to grow and sew and fund your own creative work and the creative work of your peers while living within this here ideological box, without contorting and conforming in ways that feel too small and too limited for what is truly possible for humanity?

Yes, we want to offer massive deals on one weekend a year and make enough to see us through the darkness of winter, to pay for the construction on the new Home for Harrietts, to continue employing and training young folks, to host our own truth & reconciliation trials this March, to drop more fly merch focused on local and historical griots, but we refuse to do that at the risk of our own sanity or ethic or standard or that of our team.

We also don’t want to use advertising to manipulate and placate and dance a jig to make a few dollars. We want whatever coinage you spend with us to be because you live the mission, you see the work, and want to watch it healthily unfold in its perfect order. We hope you’ll buy books today and ANY day because you bear witness to the fruit that we bear.